Each year brings new accomplishments and advances in many aspects of our world; whether it is technology, new medicine, or many of the other possible enhancements that can happen within the span of 365 days. Imagine how much has changed worldwide this past year. Now imagine what it will look like in 100 years. Life as we know it will be seriously evolved.
Furthermore, technology will have the greatest impact on modern day living in the year 2124. Every day scientists, inventors, and engineers work on new creations and ideas to upgrade our lives as we know them.
For example, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, predicts the colonization of Mars in the next 40-100 years. It is necessary to figure out a way to preserve life on other planets because of the steadily increasing population of Earth. Although the world is currently thriving, at some point there will be a lack of resources needed to sustain everyone, and humanity will need to branch out to other planets in order to survive.
Along with new martian civilizations, robots and artificial intelligence will have a big role to play in our society. AI will be 100% a part of daily life and there will be robots in the workforce; Both bringing negative and positive effects. First, I think that there will be a shortage of jobs due to robots. This can be a good thing because they can take jobs that are dangerous to humans and more time consuming.
If it were up to some people I bet robots would be in charge of every job so no one would have to work anymore, and who knows maybe that will be the case in 2124. The downside to that is the decrease of work ethic and resourcefulness of humans since everything will be done for you. As for AI, it is already consuming life now no matter how much we try to avoid it. I find it easy to say that it is going to be even more involved in 100 years. Artificial intelligence will make living simpler and I predict that most people will have built in AI in their homes that serve as a personal helper. The problems with this are the easy malfunctions and possible AI rebellions that show up in futuristic books and movies.
No matter what ends up happening in the future, overall I think people are going to be lazier because technology will be so advanced that they don’t have to do anything for themselves.