I started teaching piano in eighth grade, so four years ago. I just really loved learning piano, and there was a shortage of cheap available piano lessons for beginners. I have eight students right now. A lesson is usually like 30 minutes long. The student gets there and they’ll play through some of the songs that they practiced over the week. Afterwards, I’ll give them some pointers so they can fix their mistakes. I then give them new songs I want them to practice for the week. I plan on getting a few more students and then aging them out. – Junior Dorothy Lewis
Humans of Rockbridge: Dorothy Lewis
Hannah Ivins, Reporter
October 10, 2024
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Hannah Ivins, Reporter
Sophomore Hannah Ivins is a first-year Prowler reporter who couldn’t be more excited to be bringing you the best news you could find in the RCHS halls. This year her goals include; learning more about interviewing, writing the most eye-catching articles, and being the best reporter you’ve seen so far. In Ivins’s freetime she enjoys talking with friends, watching The Office, and vacuuming the lawn. Ivins is active in sports such as the girl’s cross country and lacrosse teams. She’s planning on joining more clubs this year…hopefully. Hannah first found interest in journalism class after she was inspired by the best news reporter out there; Hallie Darmante. Maybe someday Ivins can be as good as her, but for now she has a lot to learn.