One Act Play Gets Underway

Alli Thomas, Reporter

Drama students are performing “Laundry and Bourbon,” as well as entering the Virginia High School League One Act Competition for their play this semester. The play is a comedy about three women gossiping about their town, and finding out that one of the woman’s husbands is seeing another woman. The play reveals the main character’s strength and understanding of turmoil from her husband’s infidelity.

The cast members rehearse every day after school for two hours, run through their lines, and learn the blocking, or stage directions. The three cast members, Claire Moreschi, playing the role of Elizabeth, Danielle Aldridge, playing the role of Hattie, and Jill Watkins, playing the role of Amy Lee, have all worked together in a past production, which has helped rehearsals run smoothly.

“We try to Skype every now and then to run lines, and often times we’ll just test each other randomly to see what we remember,” said Moreschi. “We’re pretty much always having fun together which makes the whole process so much better. We work really well with each other and really know how to play off each others’ strengths.”

Since there are only three characters, if one cast member misses rehearsals, it is difficult for everyone else to work on the scenes.

The cast of “Laundry and Bourbon” will be competing in the Virginia High School League One Act Competition with the three levels being districts, regionals, and states.

“I hope we get to states this year, but since our school is in a new district we’re competing against different schools than in the past, so we’re sort of flying blind,” said Moreschi. “As long as we do our best though, I think we stand a good chance of advancing!”