Players exit the court after the first quarter.
Boys Basketball RCHS vs. Alleghany
Addie Flint, Managing Editor
January 8, 2024
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About the Contributors

Addie Flint, Editor-in-Chief
Senior Addie Flint is a third-year Prowler reporter who is thrilled to keep you in the know. This year, Flint is the Editor-in-Chief for the Prowler Staff. In addition to the Prowler, Flint serves on the Senior Class Council as vice president. You can also find her on the sideline, every Friday night, cheering on your Rockbridge County Wildcats. In her small amount of free time, Flint enjoys piercing ears at her local job in Downtown Lexington, VA. While on the Prowler, Flint plans to extend her knowledge of news and media in hopes of becoming a journalist.

Lola Mulitalo, Reporter
Sophomore Lola Mulitalo is a first year reporter for theProwler. She loves being funny - some might even call her the dad joker. Lola always has a dad joke ready and can make any crowd stay quiet. When Lola isn’t cracking jokes, she likes to watch Tangled and compete in National Cotton Candy Eating Races. Lola participates in RCHS girls lacrosse team and basketball team. Although Lola likes to play basketball, lacrosse is where she thrives the most. After high school Lola plans on partnering with Elon Musk to continue charter flights to the moon and back. Mulitalo is thrilled to be in the journalism group and can’t wait to get started.